How to work the abdominals.
Who has never done sit-ups by blocking the feet in the wallbars or under a piece of furniture, lowering the legs right down to the ground? Who has never had a bad back when getting up after a "tough abdominal training session"?
To work the abdominal muscles correctly, the amplitude of the movement does not have to be large. The two animations below show the amplitude required to optimise the work on the rectus abdominis muscles.
- To get rid of your love handles.
What happens if you block the feet or lower the legs? |
The ILIOPSOAS and the RECTUS FEMORIS start to work,
All the stress is concentrated on the lumbar vertebrae: |
Moral of the demonstration:
Never work your abdominals with the feet
blocked in an abdominal board, wallbars, or held by a partner. Never lower your legs right down to the ground.
Never lift your lumbar vertebrae off the ground. |